Southfield Center for the Arts
24350 Southfield Road
Southfield, Michigan
- 8:30 a.m. - Registration & Continental Breakfast
- 9:00 a.m. - The American Chaldean & Arab Mosaic
- 10:00 a.m. - The Cultural Tapastry
- 11:00 a.m. - The Artistic Traditions
- 12:00 a.m. - Informal Discussions in the Cultural Gallery
The Town Hall Meeting is presented this year in collaboration with the Arab-American and Chaldean Council (ACC) and Chaldean Americans Reaching and Encouraging (CARE).
For many Americans, the American Chaldean & Arab world is one of stereotypes and misunderstandings. The goal of the forum is to broaden our understanding of people and cultures that are different than our own.
This year's Town Hall forum will present an overview of the rich mosaic of discrete cultures that lie beneath the monolithic label of Arab-American.
- Dr. Hashim Al-Tawil (ACC) and Mr. Martin Manna (CARE), will begin the forum with an overview of the history and geography of the countries represented by the Chaldean & Arab-American population.
- Dr. Michael Hamarneh (ACC) will talk about the psychology and sociological tapestry of the American Chaldean & Arab communities.
- Dr. Hashim Al-Tawil (ACC) will moderate the third session will focus on the rich artistic traditions that have influenced so much of the Western culture.
Following the presentations, there will
be a reception in the lobby offering an
opportunity for informal discussion and a
viewing of Chaldean & Arab art and
cultural items.
We are pleased to be able to present this new and comprehensive look at the American Chaldean & Arab worlds. We hope that those attending will leave with a solid understanding of the diversity of the Chaldean & Arab cultures, an appreciation for our differences and a strong desire to learn more.
For reservations or to purchase tickets, please call
Cathy Watkins at 248-208-8198.
For further information on the American Chaldean & Arab Mosaic, call
Robert Haisha at 248-559-1990.