- 2001
- Council of Michigan Foundations:
Promotion of Philanthropy - $275
- Southfield Human Services
Department: Emergency Services Fund - $5,700
- Southfield Public Schools:
Peer Mentoring Program - $2,000
- Birney Middle School: Birney
Garden Club - $1,000
- Japan Business Society of
Detroit: General Operations - $200
- Salvation Army: Bed and Bread
Club - $1,000
- Gene Taylor Memorial Scholarship:
Adriana Lynette Davis - $500
- Southfield Public Schools
Special Education: Locker Art Project - $5,000
- University Cancer Institute:
Charlene Coursen Family Advised Fund In Memory of Mrs. Jay
Alix - $100
- SCF Memorial Scholarship:
Eric Berg - $500
- Council of Michigan Foundations:
YAC Adventure Tours - $500
- Southfield Community Foundation:
2001 Youth Diversity Symposium - $5,000
- Southfield Lathrup Parents
Organization: SL Senior Graduation Lock-In - $1,000
- Southfield Public Schools:
Southfield High Senior Lock-In - $1,000
- Southfield Public Schools:
Make A Difference Day - $1,000
- Volunteer Impact: General
Operations - $2,600
- City of Southfield: Mary Thompson
Farm House Signage - $1,600
- Providence Hospital: YAC BCBS-MI
Smoking Prevention Smoking Cessation Project - $15,000
- Southfield Public Schools:
HYHS Youth Resource Audit - $2,500
- Southfield Public Schools:
HYHS Peer Mediation Replication Project - $2,846.50
- Southfield Public Schools:
HYHS Parenting University - $5,000
- Southfield Public Schools:
- Kids Teaching Kids Science - $413.47
- Encyclopedia of Africe - $495
- Arts Academy Support - $150
- Orff Instruments - $400
- Partners In Print - $600
- Club Day - $600